Bangalore is one of the most overcrowded cities in India. Its infrastructure is under severe stress with narrow bad roads, one ways, bridges under construction, lack of proper public transport and many other things that can possibly go wrong with a city's infrastructure. The city has one of the highest density of cars per sq. km in the country and most of these 4 wheelers carry just 1 person while it could carry 4. All this put together, makes Bangalore one of the worst cities for commuting.

Bangalore Traffic Information system is a website providing some services that can greatly benefit commuters in the city:

Get video feed from key locations in the city to judge crowd
Find your way around town, avoid jams.
Share the road. Save money. Make friends.
4) BUS:
Find Bus routes, stops, and transit points.
5) Safety:
Accident zones, road signs, and more.
BTIS also has a mobile version for its services that you can download from here.

The coolest part of BTIS is definitely the live traffic feed from various spots in the city that is marked to the city map.

Traffic Information Systems have been created for other cities as well. Check them out for Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi and Pune.