The best webcomics on the internet

Posted by Fzkl | 11:07 AM | Sunday, October 26 | , , | 1 comments »

Webcomics are a staple in my daily web diet. Some are an interesting way to keep in touch with the not-so-obvious crazy ways of life while some are simply funny and some just strike a chord with the way I think. So here goes:

1. XKCD: A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language

The full analysis is of course much more complicated. But I can't stay to talk about it because I have a date.

With XKCD do not forget to keep your mouse on the image for some time to get the alt-text which completes the image strip. Written by Randall Munroe, this is probably the first comic to popularize stick figures. It gives out the notion that to get a good comic, you don't necessarily have to be a great illustrator. A good idea and creativity will suffice to bring out the comic artist in you.

2. Ctrl+Alt+Del

A full and full geek gaming comic by Tim Buckley, some of the strips might be hard to comprehend if you are not a gamer familiar with the popular games out there. Even otherwise there is the the occasional gyan on romance and relationships. Off late, the comic has gotten serious with the protagonist's relationship in trouble. Head back to the archives and start off from the beginning to laugh your ass off.

3. Cyanide and Happiness

Yet another stick figure not-for-the-regular-crowd, this comic might just gross you out with the brutal violence and sex if you don't have the balls for it. Openmindedness is a pre-requisite.

4. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Zach Weiner touches on a variety of topics some of which might make you want to skip your morning breakfast.

These are my favorite ones. Other notable ones are: See Mike Draw, Abstruse Goose and The Rut.


  1. Anonymous // 7/13/2009 8:24 AM  

    I recommend "Least I Could Do". It gets very endearing after a while, and the situations are hilarious!