When I think about surviving in the wild, movies like Rambo and Predator first pop in to mind (If you really want to watch a good movie about surviving in the the wild check out: Into the wild) . The whole idea of living in the wild and being able to stay alive sounds like the kind of thing that can make one feel at the heights of living-the-moment. But a Rambo knife just won't cut it. Survival in the wild is a skill and requires good planning and knowledge. Even then, there are no guarantees.

Survival topics is an interesting website I came across that has information on the various aspects of surviving outside your comfort zone.

The website is split into various sections like FireSteel, Blades And Knives, Blog Books, Bushcraft, Clothing, Compass, Fire, Food, Health, Heat, Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Improvised Gear, Jobs, Knots, Lost, Music, Myth, Navigation, News, People, Pets, Plants, Preparedness, Psychology, Safety, Shelter, Signaling, Stoves, Survival, Gear, Survival Kits, Survival Skills, Survival Supplies, Survivalist, Blogs, Water, Wilderness Medicine, Wildlife and Winter.

There is lot of good information about surival skills. Some of the interesting ones are: