Hasta la VISTA........ Windows XP !

Posted by Passion Paprika | 9:11 AM | Monday, December 11 | | 2 comments »

What do you get when you combine Windows Technology with some extremely cool GUI and a cool array of features? Vista! Windows Vista is the name of the latest release of Microsoft Windows, a line of graphical operating systems used on personal computers, including home and business desktops, notebook computers, and media centers. Prior to its announcement on July 22, 2005, Vista was known by its codename Longhorn. There is endless speculation about how this software will revolutionize the business and home OS world.

According to Microsoft, Windows Vista contains hundreds of new features; some of the most significant include an updated graphical user interface and visual style dubbed Windows Aero, improved searching features, new multimedia creation tools such as Windows DVD Maker, and completely redesigned networking, audio, print, and display sub-systems.

Some user features.

Windows Aero: a new hardware-based graphical user interface, named Windows Aero – an acronym (possibly a backronym) for Authentic, Energetic, Reflective, and Open. The new interface is intended to be cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing than previous Windows, including new transparencies, animations and eye candy. Here are a few key features of Aero.

* translucent windows
* 3-dimensional perspective
* rich texture
* advanced color mixes
* animations

Here is a demonstration of how Vista looks

Windows Shell: The new Windows shell is significantly different from Windows XP, offering a new range of organization, navigation, and search capabilities. Windows Explorer's task pane has been removed, integrating the relevant task options into the toolbar. The address bar has been replaced with a breadcrumb navigation system.

The Start menu has changed as well; it no longer uses ever-expanding boxes when navigating through Programs. Even the word "Start" itself has been removed in favor of a blue Windows Orb.

Windows Search (also known as Instant Search or search as you type): significantly faster and more thorough search capabilities. Search boxes have been added to the Start menu, Windows Explorer, and several of the applications included with Vista.

Windows Sidebar: A transparent panel anchored to the side of the screen where a user can place Desktop Gadgets, which are small applets designed for a specialized purpose (such as displaying the weather or sports scores). Gadgets can also be placed on other parts of the Desktop, if desired.

Speech recognition is fully integrated into Vista. It is an improved version of Microsoft Speech Recognition currently working under Office 2003, with a better interface, a rich and flexible set of commands, and an extensive command-and-control capability to activate the computer by voice.

(The speech recognition feature has some glitches, see the video below)

But on a serious note - here is how it can work (without the ambient noise)- BRILLIANT!

To read about more features click here.

Hardware revolution with Vista.

This version of windows however requires a minimum of 512MB RAM to enjoy the Basic Windows Vista experience, if you'd like to run the advanced features such as Aero on your system, you need to buff it up to a system with a dual-core or Pentium-class processor and a minimum of 1GB or more of Dual Channel memory (two or more memory modules) or 512 MB of system memory PLUS a premium graphics card such as ATI or NVIDIA

Dell already has a range of systems compatible with Vista. Click here to see what kind of systems Dell is bringing out to make it compatible with Vista.

What this means to me?

Well to me it simply means that I will have to upgrade my PC or else like most things Microsoft, I will be out of support boundary. When Vista starts selling like hot cakes what will happen to XP and Windows 2003 etc? They all get buried into the past. I love the features, I really do but most of the features seem copied from here and there. The desktop gadgets feature seems like it was borrowed from Google Desktop features. The scroll windows etc seems to be taken from the Apple Mac.

There are several firefox extensions available which have some of these zoom features, scroll through the windows features etc. By incorporating all these things in Vista, Microsoft has handled the threat from Mozilla Firefox very well. Those who have Vista will now stick to Internet Explorer 7.

Windows XP was released and within a few months of release, MSN released SP 1 and then SP 2, I wonder how many service packs Vista will require. Hopefully none. This is the longest time taken by Microsoft to release an Operating system. All in all a great product. The market is waiting to get Vista loaded on to their systems. How well and how long Vista will run will depend on the users. As for me I will have to wait for some time till I can afford Vista, I may have to invest in a new system to support its advanced features. But that's okay I love XP.

Here is a link to a site where you can view Windows Vista.

Finally, here is an ad for Vista.

This review is without a score, Moo don't have any Money for Vista yet. So keep your eyes on this page. When I do, there will definitely be a Moo Score and an update in the review.


  1. Gaurav // 12/14/2006 12:05 PM  

    The article on windows vista was indeed very informative about microsoft's new product. It describes what Vista has got to offer to its customer. But, when you talk about microsoft copying features from apple or firefox or google destop, i would like to just say that microsoft has put all these features in a single box. Now wont require multiple patches of firefox to be downloaded, this task will be accomplished by Automatic windows update. when you show the speach recognition system not working properly, i would mention here that microsoft product requires a training on your voice, for the speach recognition system to be effective. May be the person shown in the video did not familirize the system with his voice before he started using the system. When you say "What am I supposed to do with older version of windows?". Its just like when you buy a new car what do you do with your 5 year old car. Everything in this world has its expiry time.With the exponential growth in the business you definately need to upgrade the operating system also. Microsoft doesn't stop you from using older version of windows like Xp. Another point mentioned in the article is about upgradation of the hardware. it's natural, as more and more features are being added to the system, u need hardware to support it. the awesome 3D experience that Vista is offering, anyone will be ready to upgrade his/her hardware. Even the open source systems like linux now require 512 MB RAM to function effectively. Conclusion is "Microsoft doesn't copy the design of any software, they just look for the idea and implement it in the better way". And not to forget, 90% of the Pcs in the world still run on microsoft OS.

  2. Passion Paprika // 12/15/2006 3:15 PM  

    Thanks for your comment Gaurav, I agree we have to move ahead with time. It's not allowing people to choose is what angers me. I will surely buy a Vista to see how it works, but till then good ol'd XP is my best bet.