Brand that cow with Tattoos

Posted by Passion Paprika | 8:58 PM | Thursday, January 18 | | 2 comments »

Here is a quick quiz. How are the below three pictures related? Read the article to find out more.

Imagine in the future your identity is your number. Just so that if you get amnesia (like you would if you were in one of the many terrible, terrible soap opera's), it has been conveniently tattooed somewhere on yourself to remember all your details (like the man in Memento)? This is not sci-fi, its a real possibility with RFID.

RFID is Radio Frequency Identification. This chip can be incorporated in product or animal to keep track of them by using radio waves. This chip has been used to track supply chain management in shipping of military equipment.

Somark Innovation of St Louis have discovered a way to make ink like RFID which is biocompatibe and this will be printed on the bovine to track the e-coli spread, namely the Mad cow discease. This brand has been tested succesfully.

This is really exciting news for me. In the world where we are identified by SSN and Passports it will be more easy to recognize us with a tattoo on our body. We will end up as bar codes in a large database. All we'll need is one of those IR decoders to recognize us. We will be swiped like groceries in the supermarket. Doesn't that sound like fun?


  1. Fzkl // 1/19/2007 12:40 AM  

    Now my wife knows when I am sleeping around with another woman. My boss knows when I am doing night shift in the competitor's company. Talk about lack of privacy.

  2. Anonymous // 1/19/2007 10:45 AM  

    good for security purpose. In future we will not require to carry our access cards to enter our company campus, just a decoder will scan us and identify weather the person trying to enter is an employee or an outsider. Cool.