10 minute Email - The spam buster

Posted by Fzkl | 12:47 PM | Tuesday, January 2 | | 1 comments »

Have you ever dreaded having to reveal your email address every time you had to sign up for a service on the web because you weren't sure if this would lead to lot of spam flooding the inbox? Have you been sick of having to sign in to your mail account to confirm registration for a web service that you signed up? If so, 10 minute email is the solution to your problems.

How would you like a mail service which gives you a Email ID that exists only for 10 minutes? How would you like a mail service for which you don't need to remember a password? How would you like an Email address that doesn't require you to sign in? This is exactly what the 10 minute email service does for you.

And here is how you do it:
3) Copy the Email address in the page. I got mail430344@fificorp.com
4) Copy this mail address and put it into the service that requires an Email address for registration confirmation.
5) Refresh your 10minutemail.com page after sometime (less than 10 minutes), read your mail, click on the link, confirm your details and get your new web service.

Hassle free, no spam mail account in less than 10 clicks . And if you thought that 10 minutes wasn't enough, you can extend the life of your mail by another 10 minutes by clicking on "Give me 10 more minutes!"

Wish you all a happy spam free new year.


  1. Gaurav // 1/05/2007 12:44 PM  

    hey, that was awesome piece of information. I always wanted this type of service. thanks.