I love the movies. I remember the time when we had to stand in long queues to get tickets to watch them. Now, we have the net, yeah! Online booking changed my life, no queues no worries, just amazing movie watching experience.
Direct booking on cinema sites is pretty neat. I've never had issues with booking online for IMAX, INOX and Funcinemas. We now have a new player in the market for your ticketing solutions
Kyazoonga.com. Their tag line "puts u before the q". I currently book my tickets on
I'll be meeting my co-author over the weekend and we are definitely going for a movie together. So I put these two sites to the test.
Time to load
Kyazoonga : Took a lot of time to load, must be all the new traffic post their tv campaign.
Bookmyshow : Took no time to appear. About 8 seconds (Yes I timed it).
Kyazoonga : New site, it took me some time to get used to it. I can't say its confusing but the layout could've been a lot better. The zig-zags and the arrows are a little passe. The bright yellow arrow in the background, the arrows pointing in all direction is quite jarring. Logo's of people running towards the arrow reminds me of a movie booking rat race, and online booking is no longer a rat race, so where are these guys running? The homepage is like a portal to go to the event of your choice. With the load time being an issue (atleast on my system) this step was uneccessary. They really should take you directly to the site versus having you go through an extra page.
Small things matter and the drop downs have a hotch potch of English, Hindi and other regional language movies. The good thing about this site is the social networking aspect which Bookmyshow doesn't have. I personally am not into social networking but I can see a large fan following where we are bringing together two very fun activities - social networking and movies.
Bookmyshow : Slightly more bias towards this design for the ease of use. You type the url in the browser and bam you are on the page where you can directly transact or view the result you've been looking for. The designer clearly knew what the majority of his traffic would do on his site. The design is non-intrusive yet fun. The drop down is well organized into movies by language.
Kyazoonga : For watching Wolverine at the Cinemax here it will cost me Rs233.09, Rs.3.09 more than Bookmyshow. Seriously? OMG I can't believe that I will be paying more. Rs30.90 more for 10 tickets. So the conveyance charge here is greater. Why? Moreover you can't view the seats you'll be getting unless you want to change it. What was really funny was my default seats were the worst seats in the house. Front row seats - dude this isn't the play-offs.
Bookmyshow: For watching Wolverine at the movies for 2 cost me Rs.230.00, Rs30 being the conveyance charges and plus you get to book your seat.
Moo score.
Kyazoonga : Long way to go you guys MOO/MOOOOO
Bookmyshow: You've got a loyal follower MOOOO/MOOOOO
A video to end it all, Kyazoonga ad with ad moghul Prahlad Kakkar and the highest ranking woman in the Indian Police Service Kiran Bedi.